About Us

Johnson Talent Development (JTD) brings passion, purpose, expertise and success in developing Next Generation Leaders (NGLs) - Millennial and Gen Xers - as well as focusing Senior Executives around the subtle, simple yet significant shifts in working with them. Whether working at the Individual, Team or Organizational level, our intention for you is a measured shift in your NGL's development, performance and engagement as they execute on the imperatives of your Business.

The emergence of NGLs into today’s talent pool is creating pressure on traditional Performance Management, Leader Development, Engagement and Succession Planning approaches. Mike and Kathleen Johnson look to collaborate with Organizations solving for this issue by leveraging analytics, the latest research about NGLs and their successful track record working with this group.

At JTD we approach our work from a “coaching stance”.  If you think about Organizations, most all use coaches as part of their leader development approach. What about this approach is appealing? Coaches are not prescriptive about a solution or a pre-determined answer. They simply talk with you about where you are, where you want to be and help create insight as you define your plan – simple- significant- shifts to improve your intended outcomes.

Unlike traditional consulting, we prefer to be thoughtful partners with you on your journey. We feel this methodology based on self-discovery works effectively not only at the Individual level, but the Team and Organizational level, as well.

As the retired Chief HR Officer at UPS, Mike brings thirty-five (35) years of experience across the entire HR space for a keen awareness of what organizations need from their Next Generation Leaders. Having coached NGLs since 2006, Kathleen has observed a pattern of them lacking solid leadership fundamentals required to be successfully inside organizations. Collectively, we bring a unique perspective through which to process shifts to your current development models.

In every Organization’s next generation workforce are the future C-suite Leaders. The question is, will they be ready?  

Let's chat about it.